Design Review
a. Illustrative site plan, including:
Property lines and easements and rights-of-way with dimensions
Footprints of structures on adjacent properties with height in feet and stories
Topography, physical and natural features on the site
Vehicular and pedestrian access to the site including curbs
Landscaping and tree species 6” or greater in diameter, and an arborist report for any landmark trees
b. Conceptual floor plans with uses differentiated by color, property boundaries, and buildings and uses on adjacent properties
c. Preliminary building plans and elevations annotated with facade treatments, materials and colors
d. Sun/shadow graphic analysis
e. Summary of applicable Zoning and Design Standards, Design Guidelines, and how applicant intends to meet those standards and guidelines as part of the proposed development with conceptual diagrams or graphics
f. Description of how the project relates to the guiding principles in Section 1, and meets the intent of applicable Design Guidelines; and
Summary of all anticipated departures from applicable guidelines.