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Building Design


Create Well Composed Facades at All Scales


Facades are not only the visible faces of a building. Facades are the interface between the interior uses and the public realm, bringing in daylight and keeping out the weather. They play a major role in energy efficiency and define the architectural style. Façade design is critical to the success of a building from urbanistic and sustainability standpoints, and thoughtful design is expected for all facades.


a.    Design all facades visible to the public to be attractive and well-proportioned, with a graceful composition of fenestration and opaque areas and a sense of texture and depth along building surfaces

b.    Create an architectural concept appropriate to Bainbridge Island and the character of the building’s surroundings

c.    Design the building to be attractive from vantage points near and far, with all visible facades receiving full attention to design

d.    Design the building to be pleasing and coherent at multiple scales—from massing and roof form to secondary features such as fenestration and balconies, to details, textures and finishes

e.    Give attention to the level of human scale experienced from the public realm, including detailing at doors, windows and other architectural features such as porches, canopies, balconies

f.    Incorporate design detail, articulation and quality materials and a sense of human scale in all building facades

g.    Integrate utilities and service functions into  the architectural concept, screening mechanical equipment and trash facilities from view


© 2021

Created by Framework for the City of Bainbridge Island

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